
Uncovered Top 11 React JS Coding Challenges 2024

Kirthika Selvaraj

May 3, 2024
Table of contents

React JS coding challenges are essential for assessing candidates’ React development skills. 

They provide hiring managers with valuable insights into a candidate’s proficiency and problem-solving abilities. Simultaneously, developers can showcase their skills in areas such as problem-solving, code organization, and familiarity with React best practices.

By incorporating ReactJS coding challenges into the interview process, hiring managers can make informed decisions about candidate suitability, thereby ensuring they find the right fit for their team.

These challenges offer developers a practical platform to demonstrate their capability to deliver robust solutions in real-world scenarios, thereby contributing to their growth and development within the field.

In this article, we’ll explore practical strategies for hiring ReactJS developer through coding challenges. Additionally, we’ll discuss the importance of practice for developers to improve their skills and effectively tackle challenges.

Let’s jump right in!

Top 11 ReactJS Coding Challenges 2024

1. Dynamic Form Validator

Objective: Develop a user registration form with dynamic validation to ensure that all required fields are filled out correctly and that email addresses are in the correct format.

Challenge: Implement dynamic validation to provide real-time feedback to users as they fill out the form, indicating any errors or missing information.

Skills tested: Form handling, input validation, state management

Difficulty: Easy


  1. Create a user registration form UI with fields for username, email, and password.
  2. Implement dynamic validation to check for required fields and valid email format.
  3. Display error messages next to the corresponding input fields for invalid entries.
  4. Add a submit button to trigger form submission.
  5. Integrate form submission with a mock API call (simulated delay).
  6. Display a success message upon successful registration.


  • Use React useState hook to manage form state and input values.
  • Utilize regular expressions or a library like Yup for input validation.
  • Conditionally render error messages based on input validation results.
  • Disable the submit button if there are validation errors.
  • Use a loading spinner or message to indicate form submission in progress.

2. Adaptive Navigation Bar

Objective: Create a navigation bar that adjusts its layout and appearance based on the screen size, providing a seamless user experience across devices.

Challenge: Develop a responsive navigation bar that collapses into a hamburger menu on smaller screens and expands into a full menu on larger screens.

Skills tested: Responsive design, CSS media queries, DOM manipulation

Difficulty: Easy


  1. Design a navigation bar with navigation links for different sections of the website.
  2. Implement media queries to adjust the navigation bar layout for different screen sizes.
  3. Collapse navigation links into a hamburger menu icon for smaller screens.
  4. Use CSS transitions or JavaScript to animate the menu toggle behavior.
  5. Ensure accessibility by providing keyboard navigation and screen reader support.


  • Use Flexbox or CSS grid for layout flexibility.
  • Utilize CSS media queries to apply different styles based on screen width.
  • Consider using a CSS framework like Bootstrap for responsive design components.
  • Test the navigation bar on various devices and screen sizes to ensure compatibility.

3. Persistent Task Tracker

Objective: Build a task tracker application that stores tasks locally, allowing users to access their tasks even after closing the browser.

Challenge: Implement local storage functionality to save tasks on the user’s device and retrieve them when the application is reopened.

Skills tested: Local storage management, state persistence, lifecycle methods

Difficulty: Moderate


  1. Create a task tracker UI with features for adding, deleting, and marking tasks as completed.
  2. Implement functionality to store tasks in the browser’s local storage.
  3. Load tasks from local storage when the application starts or refreshes.
  4. Allow users to delete individual tasks or clear all tasks from the list.
  5. Add visual indicators to distinguish between completed and pending tasks.


  • Use React useState hook to manage tasks state.
  • Utilize localStorage API to save and retrieve tasks data.
  • Implement lifecycle methods like useEffect to handle data loading and saving.
  • Consider adding animations or transitions for smoother user interactions.
  • Test the application’s behavior with different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility.

4. Expandable FAQ Widget

Objective: Design an FAQ widget with expandable/collapsible sections for easy navigation and readability.

Challenge: Create a list of frequently asked questions where users can click on a question to reveal its answer and collapse it again to reduce clutter.

Skills tested: Component composition, event handling, state management

Difficulty: Easy


  1. Define an array of FAQ items with question-and-answer properties.
  2. Render each FAQ item as an expandable/collapsible section in the FAQ widget.
  3. Implement event handlers to toggle the visibility of answer sections when questions are clicked.
  4. Style the FAQ widget to enhance readability and visual appeal.
  5. Ensure accessibility by providing keyboard navigation and screen reader support.


  • Use React useState hook to manage the visibility state of each FAQ item.
  • Create a reusable FAQItem component to encapsulate the behavior of individual FAQ items.
  • Apply CSS transitions or animations to provide smooth expand/collapse effects.
  • Test the FAQ widget with a variety of questions and answers to ensure proper functionality.

5. Sortable Task Manager

Objective: Develop a task manager application with drag-and-drop functionality to reorder tasks effortlessly.

Challenge: Implement drag-and-drop functionality to allow users to reorder tasks by dragging them to their desired position in the task list.

Skills tested: Drag-and-drop, state manipulation, list rendering

Difficulty: Moderate


  1. Create a task manager UI with a list of tasks that can be reordered.
  2. Implement drag-and-drop functionality using a library like react-beautiful-dnd.
  3. Update the task order in the state when tasks are rearranged via drag-and-drop.
  4. Provide visual feedback to users during the drag-and-drop process.
  5. Test the application with a large number of tasks to ensure smooth performance.


  • Use the DragDropContext, Droppable, and Draggable components from react-beautiful-dnd.
  • Utilize the provided API methods to handle drag-and-drop events and update the task order.
  • Consider implementing keyboard shortcuts or alternative methods for users who cannot use drag-and-drop.
  • Test the application on different devices and browsers to ensure compatibility.

6. Paginated Content Viewer

Objective: Implement a content viewer with pagination for seamless browsing through a large dataset.

Challenge: Divide a large dataset into pages and provide navigation controls to allow users to navigate through the content easily.

Skills tested: Pagination, data manipulation, conditional rendering

Difficulty: Moderate


  1. Design a content viewer UI with pagination controls such as previous, next, and page numbers.
  2. Paginate the dataset into smaller chunks based on the selected page.
  3. Render the current page of content dynamically based on the user’s navigation.
  4. Display pagination controls conditionally based on the size of the dataset and current page.
  5. Optimize performance by lazy loading data for each page as needed.


  • Use React useState hook to manage the current page state.
  • Calculate the start and end indices of the current page to slice the dataset accordingly.
  • Implement event handlers to update the current page when users interact with pagination controls.
  • Consider adding additional navigation features like first and last page buttons for improved usability.

7. Dynamic Image Carousel

Objective: Create an image carousel that displays a slideshow of images with navigation arrows and/or pagination dots.

Challenge: Implement a carousel component that automatically cycles through images and provides navigation controls for users to browse through the images manually.

Skills tested: Carousel implementation, image handling, event handling

Difficulty: Easy


  1. Design a carousel UI with image slides and navigation controls (arrows, dots, or both).
  2. Implement functionality to cycle through images automatically at regular intervals.
  3. Allow users to navigate between images using navigation controls.
  4. Ensure smooth transitions between images for a seamless viewing experience.
  5. Test the carousel with a variety of image sizes and aspect ratios to ensure proper rendering.


  • Use React useState and useEffect hooks to manage carousel state and automate image transitions.
  • Utilize CSS transitions or animations to create smooth image transitions.
  • Implement event handlers to handle user interactions with navigation controls.
  • Consider adding additional features like pause/play button for controlling automatic image cycling.

8. Firebase Authentication System

Objective: Set up a secure authentication system using Firebase for user registration and login functionalities.

Challenge: Integrate Firebase Authentication SDK into the application and implement user registration, login, and logout functionalities securely.

Skills tested: Firebase integration, user authentication, error handling

Difficulty: Moderate


  1. Configure Firebase Authentication in the Firebase console and obtain the necessary configuration keys.
  2. Implement user registration and login forms with fields for email and password.
  3. Integrate Firebase Authentication SDK to handle user registration, login, and logout operations.
  4. Validate user inputs and handle authentication errors gracefully.
  5. Secure routes or components that require authentication and restrict access to unauthorized users.


  • Use Firebase Authentication methods like createUserWithEmailAndPassword and signInWithEmailAndPassword for user registration and login.
  • Handle authentication state changes using Firebase Auth listeners to update UI components accordingly.
  • Utilize Firebase Auth error codes and messages to provide informative error feedback to users.
  • Implement client-side route guards or server-side authentication checks to secure routes.

9. Interactive Location Mapper

Objective: Integrate a map component with interactive markers for exploring different locations.

Challenge: Implement a map interface using a mapping library like Google Maps or Mapbox, and add custom markers to represent various points of interest on the map.

Skills tested: Map integration, marker customization, event handling

Difficulty: Moderate


  1. Choose a mapping library (e.g., Google Maps, Mapbox) and set up a basic map component.
  2. Add custom markers to the map to represent different locations or points of interest.
  3. Implement event handlers to capture user interactions with the markers (e.g., click events).
  4. Display additional information or actions when users interact with the markers (e.g., info windows, pop-ups).
  5. Test the map component with various locations and markers to ensure proper functionality.


  • Use the official documentation and APIs of the chosen mapping library to set up the map component.
  • Create custom marker components or icons to represent different types of locations.
  • Implement event listeners (e.g., onClick) on the markers to handle user interactions.
  • Use geocoding services to convert addresses or coordinates into map markers dynamically.
  • Consider adding additional map features like zoom controls, map layers, or search functionality.

10. Smart Product Filter

Objective: Develop an advanced product filtering system for e-commerce, enabling users to find products based on specific criteria.

Challenge: Implement filter options such as category, price range, brand, and other attributes, allowing users to narrow down product listings according to their preferences.

Skills tested: Filtering logic, user interface design, data manipulation

Difficulty: Moderate


  1. Design a product filtering UI with options for category, price range, brand, and other attributes.
  2. Implement filtering logic to dynamically update product listings based on user-selected criteria.
  3. Display filtered results in real-time as users adjust filter settings.
  4. Provide feedback to users when no products match the selected criteria.
  5. Optimize performance by minimizing unnecessary data fetching or rendering.


  • Use React useState hook to manage filter state and apply filtering logic to product data.
  • Create separate components for each filter option to encapsulate their behavior.
  • Utilize array methods like filter and map to manipulate product data based on filter criteria.
  • Implement debounce or throttle techniques to avoid excessive re-rendering during filter adjustments.
  • Consider adding sorting options to allow users to further customize their product listings.

11. Real-Time Chat Application

Objective: Develop a real-time chat application using Socket.IO for instant messaging between multiple users.

Challenge: Implement features such as user authentication, message sending/receiving, and real-time updates for a seamless chat experience.

Skills tested: WebSocket communication, event handling, state synchronization

Difficulty: Difficult


  1. Set up a server using Node.js and Socket.IO to facilitate real-time communication between clients.
  2. Implement user authentication to verify the identity of users joining the chat.
  3. Create a chat interface where users can send and receive messages in real-time.
  4. Handle user presence and display active users in the chat interface.
  5. Implement features like message timestamps, read receipts, and typing indicators for enhanced user experience.
  6. Ensure data synchronization across all connected clients to maintain a consistent chat state.
  7. Handle edge cases such as network disconnections, server crashes, and message errors gracefully.
  8. Test the chat application with multiple users simultaneously to verify its scalability and performance.


  • Use Socket.IO to establish WebSocket connections between clients and the server for real-time communication.
  • Implement token-based authentication or integrate with a third-party authentication provider for user authentication.
  • Utilize Socket.IO events (e.g., connect, disconnect, message) to handle various aspects of the chat functionality.
  • Store chat messages and user data in a database (e.g., MongoDB) to persist data and ensure data consistency.
  • Consider implementing features like message history, file sharing, and multimedia support to enhance the chat experience.

This challenge is more complex due to the real-time nature of chat applications and requires a solid understanding of WebSocket communication and event-driven programming. It will test the developer’s ability to handle asynchronous operations, manage state synchronization, and ensure a seamless user experience in a real-time environment.

Mastering ReactJS Coding Challenges for Recruiters and Candidates:

As a Candidate: Where to Practice React Coding?

To practice React coding challenges and enhance your skills, consider the following platforms and resources:

  • Interactive Coding Platforms: Platforms like LeetCode and HackerRank offer React coding challenges and contests for hands-on practice.
  • Tutorial Websites and Courses: Websites like Udemy and freeCodeCamp provide structured courses covering React from basics to advanced topics.
  • Official Documentation: React’s official documentation provides comprehensive guides and references for learning React’s core concepts and APIs.
  • Community Resources: Blogs, forums, and developer communities like Stack Overflow offer insights, tips, and real-world examples shared by experienced developers.
  • Books and eBooks: Numerous books and eBooks are available for in-depth learning on React development.

For Recruiters: Maximizing Hiring Success

  • Efficient Hiring: Quickly and impartially identify top talent without bias.
  • Real-Life Assessments: Evaluate candidates on real-life coding challenges and skills tests to gauge their abilities.
  • Creative Assessments: Drive engagement with dynamic and creative assessment formats.
  • Reduced Hiring Time: Streamline the hiring process with ready-to-use assessment tools or customizable tests.

Additionally, recruiters can approach staff augmentation services like ZydeSoft, saving time and accessing Silicon Valley standard candidates at the right cost.


Q: How do ReactJS coding challenges aid in evaluating a candidate’s skills?

A: ReactJS challenges assess problem-solving abilities, ReactJS proficiency, and coding skills in real-world scenarios, facilitating informed hiring decisions.

Q: What should recruiters seek in candidates’ ReactJS challenge solutions?

A: Clear problem comprehension, efficient ReactJS implementation, adherence to coding standards, and consideration of edge cases. Well-structured, maintainable, and scalable solutions are preferred.

Q: How can recruiters utilize ReactJS coding challenges to assess candidates’ fit for specific roles or projects?

A: By tailoring challenges to role/project requirements, recruiters evaluate candidates’ ability to apply ReactJS skills effectively, identifying those best suited for the job.

Q: How can I effectively prepare for ReactJS coding challenges in job interviews?

A: Review ReactJS concepts, and practice implementing React components, state management, and asynchronous operations. Solve challenges on platforms like LeetCode or HackerRank to refine problem-solving skills.

Q: What resources can I use for practicing ReactJS coding challenges?

A: Utilize platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, and CodeSignal for ReactJS-specific challenges. Explore tutorials, courses, and coding bootcamps focusing on ReactJS for hands-on practice and guidance.

Q: How should I approach ReactJS coding challenges to maximize success?

A: Understand the problem thoroughly, devise a clear plan, and implement using React components. Test rigorously, consider edge cases, and seek feedback regularly to enhance problem-solving skills and confidence.

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